Monday, February 11, 2008

The Magic of 8s (or 8 reasons I like the number 8)

I like the number 8.
Am I obsessed? No.
Do I think the number is following me? No.
Do I see some connections with my life and the number? No.
I am forcing these connections for the sake of this blog. But it's really starting to work out for me.
Eight is everywhere, especially if you look for it. It’s the ball you sink to win pool. It’s one better than the great wonders of the world.
The eighth thing you get when you Google eight: The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun.
If that’s not a sign …
So here is the first installment of 8s. (Ironically, blog number 8 on Phillis with words.)

8 reasons I like the number 8
1) The Magic 8 Ball: That prognosticator, shaken not stirred, which stirs me to make decisions I otherwise would never be able to handle. All signs point to yes.
2) It’s the pun in my favorite joke; Why’s 6 afraid of 7? 7, 8(ate), 9.
3) There’s 8 letters in Dwellers, Penguins, FN Improv, Cavalier (my car if not my attitude), Lawrence and Danielle.
4) Soccer superstar Shannon McMillan: Shannon ‘The Cannon’ - and I ain’t talking about taking pictures.
5) There are 8 planets. (sorry Pluto, but it works out for me!)
6) *
7) Visually, half of 8 is 3 and 3 is a magic number. (the other half is the mirror image of 3, and if there’s anything that represents the magical unknown, it’s the world inside a mirror.)
8) 8 is like infinity on its side.

- Thanks for reading -

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